🚨 The "Willy Wonka" Lesson for Ecommerce Sellers

Plus new from Amazon, ChatGPT and Adobe

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Happy Wednesday! A lot to cover today. Ecommerce sellers, creating marketing material at the expense of authenticity can lead to many regrets, some legal and quite damaging to the brand. This prime example runs you through it. Do NOT miss the piece on Amazon and its new algorithm (Cosmo) and top trends to look out for in AI in 2024.

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🚨 The "Willy Wonka" Lesson for Ecommerce Sellers

The recent uproar over the "Willy Wonka Experience" in Glasgow, Scotland, serves as a stark illustration of the pitfalls of using generative AI in advertising. Promoted with dazzling AI-generated visuals, the event turned out to be a profound disappointment, showcasing a vast disparity between the advertised fantasy and the underwhelming reality. This incident underscores a burgeoning concern: as generative AI becomes a mainstay in creating marketing materials, the likelihood of misleading consumers escalates significantly.

Legal experts in the UK and the US warn against the risks of generative AI leading to deceptive advertising. With regulations like the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the US's Lanham Act and Federal Trade Commission Act in place, misleading ads can face stringent enforcement actions. Past legal battles in the food industry over misleading advertisements underscore the serious implications of not accurately representing products and services.

The essence of the debate revolves around the extent to which AI-generated imagery can faithfully represent what consumers will truly receive. While some AI applications might produce unrealistic, cartoonish visuals, others may create images so convincing that they mislead consumers about the authenticity of the advertised products or services.

What does this mean for ecommerce sellers?
Ecommerce sellers venturing into the use of generative AI for advertising must tread cautiously. The gap between AI-generated expectations and real-world delivery can not only lead to legal repercussions but also damage brand trust and customer loyalty. Ensuring that advertising content, whether AI-generated or not, accurately reflects the product or service offered is crucial.

The Quick Read:

  • Onedrive Copilot is finally here so you can use AI with your files

  • A world where virtual reality that is actually usable is coming closer and that could have massive implications for consumers and brands. Read more about what is enabling this.

  • Klarna is betting hard on AI. This will probably be one of many examples of AI replacing whole teams.

Today’s Content Spotlight:

The Tools List:

🤖 Content at Scale: Creates human-like, undetectable, and risk-free AI-generated content for website owners and marketers.

🕴🏽 Agent Gold: Auto-create new content for social networks or email based on your own voice.

🚀 MagicAds- Human-like UGC ads effortlessly created with AI

📊 Anyword AI: Instantly analyze every piece of content you've ever published, so you know which messaging works best on your website, socials, and email channels.

🌐 Galileo AI: Generate mobile and desktop UIs quickly with AI.

 Chat Ur Data GPT- Boost productivity and unlock data insights with AI-driven assistance

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